On the main edit page, you should see one of two things. In our opinion this maybe a little confusing as there are two distinct editing views. We have assumed you have already set the page properties and the advanced page properties. If you haven't full instructions are in the previous lesson. If you have not started work on a page apart from setting the properties you will get a clipboard type graphic something like this:-
In the clipboard view you can type basic content and format your font. You can add tables and edit tables. Tables are very useful to layout your pages neatly. You can add images, move and manipulate the images. Pay attention to the link icon ( ) in the top right hand corner. It is used to link to other pages on your site or other websites.
When you are starting out you will be adding a single block of text plus maybe a graphic or two. Keep it simple as you can add additional blocks later. Just get started with a simple paragraph of text. When you are done putting in some basic content click submit. The HTML tag at the bottom of the clipboard shows the actual code generated by the clipboard - you can edit the code here if you wish. The preview tag at the bottom of the clipboard shows what it looks like. Experiment away it is pretty much like using Microsoft Word. You can always start over so don't be scared. The next time you click edit page from the menu, you will go into the second edit mode which is the full preview edit mode.
If you have already added some content to the page including the page properties you will get a web layout of the page with editing controls on it. Each page you build is made of a series of blocks. In our example below we have used two blocks. One block has a graphic in it and the other has text in it. You can have text and graphics in the same block. If you overload a block you will get an error 122. Add more blocks to get over this problem.
We have used a little licence to get it to work so we can demonstrate the power of the GDI Site Builder. For example we have used the text "This is my home page for GDI. I hope you like it. I have put several hours into getting it just right. I need to take a little time to get my layout picture perfect as my front page is the window to my soul or the gateway to my sparkling new GDI business".
Ok now think of your page as a series of blocks with a control for each block. Remember your block can contain text or an entity such as a graphic or a sound or a movie. You cannot edit an entity - you can only place it in the block. You can move it around or make it bigger or smaller but it is an entity. Only text can be formatted and shaped. You can have text and an entity in the same block.
You have to manipulate your blocks and the content of each block into the finished product. OK so it looks something like this:-
"This is my home page for GDI. I hope you like it. I have put several hours into getting it just right. I need to take a little time to get my layout picture perfect as my front page is the window to my soul or the gateway to my sparkling new GDI business".
Ok so there is a graphic which under each item on our simple page which looks like this:-
This controls what happens to the element directly above it. So:-
- Clicking the orange Edit part will allow you to edit the block directly above the edit button. You cannot edit a graphic.
- Clicking the blue Clear part will allow you to clear the contents of the block directly above the Clear button. The block will remain there but it will be empty.
- Clicking the green Insert part will allow you to insert content into the block directly above the Insert button. This will give you a screen providing 8 choices of things you can put into your block. Of particular importance is the HTML option. You must use this option if you are pasting banner code form either GDI Made Easy or from your control panel.
- Clicking the red Delete part will allow you to delete the block directly above the Delete button.
Ok so thats about all there is to it! Go ahead and take it for a test. Good luck with your new GDI Site we would like you to share in the success we are having with this venture - enjoy!
Site Builder Lesson 1 - the basic controls
Site Builder Lesson 2 - Planning your site in advance
Site Builder Lesson 3 - GDI Site Builder Getting Started
Site Builder Lesson 4 - GDI Site Builder Editor Modes
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